Monday 5 November 2007

The Pick Up Artist

A man followed me five blocks today. It was sort of like a Parisian movie. Only I didn’t speak French and he didn't speak English. I made the mistake of smiling at him when I saw him across the street. Well, he smiled at me first and was motioning for me to give him my number, which made me smile. I walked away in the other direction, but I guess he took the smile for flirting. It wasn’t until four blocks later that I felt like someone was following me. Sure enough, it was him. I told him I don’t speak French, and kept walking, but he still invited me for a drink that night. I said what's the point since we can’t talk and he said no problem. I said no and he asked for my email. Again, I said no, I can’t write in French. He still tried his best, but I said jes suis desoulet, sorry. He crossed the street and looked back at me. He waved, and looked kind of sad. Parisian men don't give up easily!


Amy J said...

shoot....did I forget to tell you that in France, smiling at a boy means that you want them to buy you coffee or a glass of wine....whoops.

London Girl said...

great, you tell me all about credit cards, but forget to mention that!