Thursday, 13 December 2007

A Few Amusing Things at the Heathrow Airport:

Apparently, you can get bubblegum vodka shots in the café upstairs.

CDs are cheaper by 2 pounds than anywhere else in the city.

They now sell novels in vending machines. It’s called “Novel Idea.”

The security guards in training are lovely. Three of them stopped me on the way to my departing flight and it seemed that their only goal was to make me laugh. As is customary when I travel, I am always unable to find my tickets or passport, I drop my coat and generally, I’m the equivalent of someone on percoset. Upon seeing this, the gentlemen helped me unzip my bag, offered to carry it for me, walked me to the escalator and wished me a Merry Christmas. I was laughing all the way to the gate. What is it with me and positive experiences with the normally grumpy and unresponsive security personnel at airports?

I had to buy contact solution AGAIN at the airport drugstore. This time it was my fault. I ran out of solution.

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